Frequently Asked Questions
If you are unsure about laws in the Township, you are encouraged to call the Township office at 724-926-8700.
You do not need a building permit for a fence. However, a zoning permit is required to verify the setbacks. The cost of a zoning permit is $50 made payable to Robinson Township.
You must first apply for a zoning permit. Once a zoning permit is issued you may then apply for a building permit. Both may be obtained on our website under “Forms,” or at the township office.
Robinson Township does not have a dye test ordinance requiring a dye test for transfer of real estate. Please be aware, however, that other parties to your transaction may require a dye test. Also, if the property is publicly sewered with Midway Sewage Authority, they DO require a dye test when property changes hands. Their fee is $50.00 and the test may be requested by contacting the Authority directly at 724-796-5936.
Contact PennDot at 1-800-FIX-ROAD.
Keystone Collections (1-888-328-0558)
If the dead animal is on a state road contact PennDot at 1-800-FIX-ROAD.
If the dead animal is anywhere else contact:
Southwest Region
PA Game Commission
Robinson Township does not have a contract with one hauler. Garbage pick-up is mandatory in the Township, however each resident may contract with the hauler of their choice.