
The Administration of the day-to-day business of the Township is performed by the Township Secretary and Treasurer.

Code Enforcement Department

Gail Matus, Stephanie Humensky

Please call the office and ask for Gail or Stephanie if you have any suspected code complaints. They will prioritize documentation and investigation of the matter.

  • 8400 Noblestown Road
    McDonald, PA 15057
  • 7249268700

Right-to-Know Officer and link to the Office of Open Records

Renee Szymanski

Renee Szymanski is the designated Right-to-Know-Officer in Robinson Township, Washington County. Please submit any requests in writing to [email protected] or physical address indicated and your request will be handled in compliance with the Office of Open Records.

Zoning Officer

Doug Baird

Doug Baird serves Robinson Township as a longtime Emergency Management Coordinator, and is our Zoning Officer. He is assisted by Gail Matus and Stephanie Humensky in the day-to-day office operations.

All building projects, large or small, begin with a zoning application, which can be found on this website or by calling the office. Upon completion, Doug will review and make a site visit to fully understand your project. Upon his issued Zoning Permit, you will be directed on to obtaining a Building Permit.

He may be contacted at any time with any questions.

  • 8400 Noblestown Road
    McDonald, PA 15057
  • 7249268700

Township Secretary Renee Szymanski

Renee Szymanski

Renee Szymanski began employment with Robinson Township in the fall of 2019 and has been a great addition to the Township office.

She will likely be your first point of contact on the phone or as you walk in, and she will be happy to assist you.

  • 8400 Noblestown Road
    McDonald, PA 15057
  • 7249268700

Public Works

Road Department

The Robinson Township Road Department is comprised of two full-time employees dedicated to the 21.3 miles of Township roads. John Ramacker, Road Foreman, and Bernard Boocks heavy equipment operator, work Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are on on-call 24 hours a day for inclement weather. Christian Illig is a part-time student worker who assists the Public Works Department.

Township Engineer

Redcon Engineering, Inc.

Keith Straight, P.E.

  • 104 Broadway Street
    Carnegie, PA 15106
  • 412-886-5000

Township Solicitors

To Be Determined

Police Department

McDonald Police Department

Fire Department

McDonald Volunteer Fire Department

  • 150 North McDonald Street
    McDonald, PA 15057
  • (724) 926-9190

  • Emergency: 911

Midway Volunteer Fire Department

  • 99 St. John Street
    Midway, PA 15060
  • (724) 796-3141

  • Emergency: 911

Municipal Court

District Magistrate will serve a 6 year term when elected.

District Justice 27-3-06

Interim Judge

  • 3441 Millers Run Road, Suite 103
    Cecil, PA 15321
  • (724) 745-8515

Building Permit Inspector – UCC Code Inspection

Harold Ivery, Jr. – Municipal Consulting Service, LLC

Harold Ivery, Jr. - Municipal Consulting Service, LLC

Mr. Ivery accepts Building Permit applications AFTER a Township Zoning Application has been approved. In your Zoning Approval letter, you will be directed to contact Mr. Ivery for your building permitting. Mr. Ivery maintains his own fee schedule. Please see his website or contact him with any questions about his inspection process.

Zoning Officer

Doug Baird

Doug Baird serves Robinson Township as a longtime Emergency Management Coordinator, and is our Zoning Officer. He is assisted by Gail Matus and Stephanie Humensky in the day-to-day office operations.

All building projects, large or small, begin with a zoning application, which can be found on this website or by calling the office. Upon completion, Doug will review and make a site visit to fully understand your project. Upon his issued Zoning Permit, you will be directed on to obtaining a Building Permit.

He may be contacted at any time with any questions.

  • 8400 Noblestown Road
    McDonald, PA 15057
  • 7249268700

Animal Control

Dane Culley

Mr. Culley is the contact person for dog complaints in the Township. Robinson Township has both a Dog and a Cat Ordinance. These can be found in their entirety in the Public Documents section of this website.

The animal control officer may be contacted at the number below or you may call the township office during normal business hours for assistance.

  • 724-787-9250

On-Lot Sewage Permitting and Inspections

Washington County Sewage Council

On-lot sewage permitting: perc testing for new construction and repairs, malfunction investigation with prior approval of the Township, commercial holding tanks. Visual inspections for subdivision purposes. 10 acre Exemptions, if specific criteria is met. Preparation of sewage planning modules, essential to subdividing property. Please see the Sewage Council website or call the Township with any questions.


Recycling Options

Single-stream recycling is available at Imperial Landfill at 11 Boggs Road, Imperial, Pa. The unit is accessible 24/hours a day, 7 days a week. For any questions on acceptable items, please call 724-695-0900.

For other recycling options please see this link to the County’s website: